GASCO Exit Exam Question and Answer updated set - 2

GASCO exit exam questions and answer quiz contain questions Answer

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Fixed water spray system for fire protection purpose in gas tanker covers area such as

a. Cargo tanks domes only

b. The front of the accommodation and control room bulkhead

c. Cargo tank area above deck and cargo manifold area

d. All the above


When carbon atoms joined by double covalent bonds C-C or triple covalent bonds, what is it called as

a. Saturated organic compound

b. Unsaturated organic compound

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above


What is liquid relative density at Atm boiling point of methane

a. 0.427         

b. 144

C. 195.7

d. None of the above


The ability of a substance to cause damage to living tissue or impairment of the central nervous system

a. Asphyxia

b. Frost bite

c. Toxicity

d. None of the above

How suction capacity and resulting discharge rate can be regulated

a. By reducing pump speed

b. By throttling the discharge valve

c. By creating bypass (return flow)

d. All the above

What are the necessary condition that must take place for an electrical discharge tooccur

a. Electrostatic separation

b. Electrostatic accumulation

c. Electrostatic discharge

d. All the above *


Gas ship's cargo compressor room, cargo tank area are

a. Snap back area

b. Gas safe area

c. Gas dangerous

d. All the above


What does Exe represent

a. Flameproof

b. Pressurized

c. Increased safety

d.  None of the above


Onboard LNG tanker which of these requirements is not required for gas burning

a. Vacuum pump                 

b. Gas heater

c. LD compressor

d. Steam dump on main condenser

What is provided in a low duty gas compressor to prevent lubricating oil mist from entering the compressed LNG vapor ?

a. The gas detection system

b. The gas burning system

c. The lubricating system

d. The seal gas system

Identify the solution used in the container for a soda acid type water extinguisher

a. Sodium sulphate

b. Sodium bicarbonate

c. Sodium nitrate


What is the first task to be completed before doing hot work permit.

a. To inform chief engineer

b. Work can be started without carrying out any other task

c. To complete a hot work permit *

d. None of the above


The most like place for the spontaneous combustion that takes place is

a. The oily rag bin

b. The fuel oil tanks

c. The electrical switchboards

d. The pressure tanks


Which of the following is not part of an arrangement in fiber optical system to accommodate 'fail safe' ESDS system

a. The photo coupler of the input side is duplicated

b. Frequency checking sides of O/P are duplicated

c. The optical cables are protected by a double layer of insulation

d. The output circuits have double output contacts


Up to what temperature is methane vaporheavier than air

a. -HOC 

b. -161 .5C

c. -125C

d.  15C

What is the typical content of carbon dioxide inert  gas produced by an inert gas generator

a. 25%

b.  15%      

c. 20%

d. 30%


17.  In case of heating the mercury column containing the test liquid, the level of mercury will

a. Remain the same

b. Decreases

c. Increase 


What does the term boil off mean

a. Cargo vapor space in insulation space

b. Natural vaporization of LNG in the cargo tank

c. Cargo tank vapor pressure during voyage

d. Excess steam dumped from the boiler


Why LNG is liquefied for sea transportation

a. LNG has a higher calorific value than natural gas

b. Natural gas transportation by sea is banned

c. It makes it more economical to transport

d. The ship can choose the form of neutral gas or LNG to be loaded


Which of the following is the typical seal gas system used for low duty gas compressor?

a. R 404

b. Carbon dioxide

c. Nitrogen

d. Argon

The purpose of remotely controlled measuring of tank levels is to measure

a. Height from liquid surface to top stringers in the tank

b. Height of the liquid in the tank

c. Height from bottom shell to top stringers in the tank

d. Height of bottom girders in the tank


While commencement of loading Cargo direct high-pressure loading is advisable

a.  True

b. False


On all gas ships, any pipework entering or leaving the cargo tank must do so through the tank

a. Aft end

b. Top 

c. Bottom

d. Forward end


If a centrifugal pump operating with a positive suction head becomes air bound, your FIRST response should be to

a. Vent the casting

b. Tighten the packing

c. Close the discharge

d. Re-prime the pump


25.  How much cleaner is natural gas to burn?

a. Reducing Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions by 20% to 30%

b. Reducing carbon monoxide (CO) emissions by up to 75%

c. Reducing nitrous oxide (NO2) emission by appropriately 50%

d. All the above


The space enclosed by the ships structure in which a cargo Containment system is situated called

a. Hold space           

b. Compressor room

c. Motor room

d.  Engine room


27.  This liquefied gas is normally carried in its fully refrigerated condition at its atmospheric boiling point of -104 degree C is

a. Ethylene              

b. Propane

c. Butane

d. Ammonia


How is cooling/Cleaning water supplied to the inert gas scrubber tower?

a. By the main sea water pumps

b. By the cargo condenser pump

c. By the scrubber sea water pump                   

d. By the deck seal sea water pump


Which safety device is fitted on the deck inert gas line to monitor the supply condition of the inert gas?

a. The inert gas high temperature alarm

b. The inert gas low flow alarm

c. The inert gas low pressure alarm

d. The inert gas reverse flow alarm


Tank relief V/V used for release of excessive pressure

a. True

b.  False

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