GASCO Exit Exam Question and Answer updated set-5

GASCO exit exam questions and answer quiz contain questions Answer

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When the nitrogen generator remains in the "purge mode" it means that the nitrogen produced is

Supplied continuously to cargo area

Vented continuously to atmosphere.

Continuously supplied to gas burning system

Re-circulated continuously within the nitrogen generator


Onboard an LNG Tanker, while vaporizing during cargo discharge using the main vaporizer, what is the approximate desired outlet temperature of LNG vapour?



-150°C •



When the nitrogen generator remains in the "purge mode" it means that the nitrogen produced is Supplied continuously to cargo area

Supplied continuously to cargo area

Vented continuously to atmosphere.

Continuously supplied to gas burning system

Re-circulated continuously within the nitrogen generator

Advantages of reliquefaction planton LNG tankships will not include,

Total quantity  of LNG  loaded can  be delivered  to the  customer

Reduction in heel required on ballast voyage

Lower SOx and NOx emissions

Proven technology and easy availability of crew


What should the ship be provided with to enable an LNG Tanker to change LNG liquid to LNG vapour?



Low duty (LD) compressor

High duty (HD) compressor


What happens when, in an air dryer plant, the seawater flow into refrigerant condenser is insufficient?

Air over cooled at refrigerant condenser output

Air not cooled enough at refrigerant condenser output •

Moisture in air frozen at refrigerant condenser output

Refrigerant condenser output not affected at all


In an Air Dryer plant, which of the following is not one of its uses?

Supply air to pressurize water ballast tanks to empty flooded ballast tanks after grounding

Maintain a non-corrosive atmosphere in the tanks when they are open for long periods

Supply air to ventilate the accommodation

Aerate the cargo tanks, which naturally must be done prior to inspection or maintenance


Your vessel has completed loading and is ready for gauging. Which of the following should you ensure?

All personnel should be onboard and ready in their departure stations

Custody transfer system should be closed and isolated In the presence of shore representatives

All cargo systems on the ship should be closed and the shore connections isolated or disconnected 

Cargo system valves should be lined - up to fill the largest tank in the ship to allow topping – up


What is the least a person should do before entering machinery spaces?

Wear appropriate personal protective equipment 

Inform the bridge

Inform his superiors


Gas pressurizes the liquid out of the soda acid type- water extinguisher through the dip tube.






Smoke detectors are activated when,

the density of smoke or tiny particles created by the fire are high <

the density of smoke creates an obstruction

the smoke particles come in the way of light


What is the typical dew point of dry air used for aerating?

+ 55°C to +65°C

-55°C to -65°C

-140°C to -165°C

Same as atmospheric air


What is the main reason for a membrane class LNG tanker to retain a small quantity of cargo ("heel") during ballast passage?

To ensure easy starting of cargo pump at loading port

To reduce the consumption of heavy fuel oil on passage

To avoid bottom of the cargo tank coming into contact with oxygen

For cold maintenance of the cargo


If an LNG sale document was marked as Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), after discharge who would be the owner of the 'heel' retained onboard?

The buyer owns all the cargo including heel less normal boil - off 

The heel belongs to the seller

The seller has owns the heel less normal boil-off

The buyer owns only the cargo less normal boil-off


What is the main danger when discharging a damaged cargo tank in a normal manner?

Discharging pump will trip due to debris in the tank

Discharging time will be shorter due to less cargo in the tank

Collapse of secondary membrane due to high differential head

Collapse of the primary membrane due to high differential head 


Which of the following is not a sign of an LNG gas (vapor) leak into insulation spaces?

Comparing to  normal trends  - high  temperature variations  on barrier  spaces

Increase of pressure in insulation spaces

Icing of sea water outside hull when ship at anchor

Sudden rise in percentage of methane vapour in insulation spaces


How can we deal with a minor cargo spill (leak) from valve flanges or glands?

By bandaging the leak area with cotton rags and spraying it  with freshwater 

By using bonding tape and seal

By using cryogenic foam

By using bonding cream and seal




What is the definition for the term "minor failure of membrane?

Activation of gas detection equipment for insulation despite of purging with nitrogen

Fatigue cracks develop with obvious signs of pressure rise and the presence of methane vapor

Porosity of membrane which allows limited liquid into insulation spaces

Minor fatigue cracks, passing liquid into the insulation space and becomes gaseous


During a cargo handling operation which of the following precautions need not be observed to deal with spillage?

Fire fighting equipment on standby mode

Manifold shipside water spray curtain used

Ship cordoned off with LNG containment boom 

Deck fire main on standby mode


If insulation damage occurs, how does filling the ballast tanks with sea water help in maintaining the hull steel temperature?

Through slow heat transfer, as sea water conducts heat better than air

Through better heat transfer, as sea water conducts heat better than air

Due to the improved that transfer to outside sea at ambient temperature

As sea water temperature is much lower than LNG temperature, thus helping the heat transfer


Onboard an LNG carrier, with NO 96 containment system, what will happen when pressure inside primary space is equal to cargo tank pressure?

Primary barrier strips will be shifted from its original position

Primary barrier will be pressed hard onto primary insulation box

Primary barrier will collapse inward

Nothing will happen - no damage to primary barrier


What is the protection available for the auxiliary cargo pump against frequent start and stop action?

High discharge pressure alarm

No number of starts

No limits of start and stop

Only certain number of starts allowed 


Onboard a membrane class LNG tanker, during purging cargo tanks with LNG, what is the target value for completion of purging or gassing up operation?

Methane content >5% by volume

Methane content >21% by volume

Methane content > 80% by volume 

Methane content > 10% by volume


Which insulation space should be evacuated first to prevent possibility of membrane failure?

Primary space first; thereafter secondary spaces

Secondary spaces first; thereafter primary spaces 

Both insulation spaces at the same times

Evacuate cargo tank space first then secondary spaces


What is the typical dew point of dry air used for aerating?

+ 55°C to +65°C

-55°C to -65°C

-140°C to -165°C

Same as atmospheric air


Which equipment is used for evacuating the insulation spaces?

Vacuum pumps            

HD blowers

LD blowers

Water ballast ejector


Onboard an LNG tanker, during gas burning, what is an option available if LD compressor is out - of - service during gas burning?

Gas burning shall be stopped

Tank pressure shall be dropped via venting each cargo tank

Gas burning can be continued via "free - flow"

Steam dump shall be manually controlled throughout the operation


Onboard an LNG carrier, what is the objective of purging or gassing - up with LNG vapor prior to cool down?

To initiate cool down cargo tanks prior loading

To clear dust and foreign particles in the tank

To remove any gases such as CO2 that may freeze 

To rest cargo tanks' cryogenic properties


Onboard an LNG tanker, during gas burning, what is the typical temperature range at the heater outlet to the boilers?

4-20° C to 4-30° C 

-20° C to -30° C

-20° C to o°C

+5°C to —5°C


A soda acid type- water extinguisher containssolution in the container.





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