LGTF exit exam questions and answer quiz contain questions Answer
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1. Water Jel is a unique product regarding protection and first aid of burns. Water Jel is delivered in different sizes. The biggest is a carpet with the size 182cm x 152 cm. What is the highest temperature the Water Jel carpet is resistant against?
2500 C
1530 C
414 C
823 C
2. Which position is the best to stop bleeding from the nose?
Laying on the back, holding a wet, cold towel on the top of the nose.
Sitting on a chair,
leaning forward, with two fingers pressing the nose together.
Laying on the back, leaning the head as much back as possible.
Holding the nose above steamed water.
3. Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed in the Recovery Position. Why is this position so important?
Because it keeps the heart beating.
The recovery position makes it easy to maintain any kind of bleeding.
The position ensures
that an open airway is maintained.
The position prevents the patient from falling asleep.
4. What is the purpose of a Medico Message?
Medico is the certificate which permits the Master to be doctor onboard.
Call the health department in the next port of call and ask for free radio practice.
Giving a regular statement of the health of the vessel's crew.
Call a hospital for
professional medical assistance by radio when needed.
5. When internal injury is suspected, which of the following should NOT be done?
Slightly elevate the legs.
Get the patient to lie down.
Give the patient a
drink of water.
Keep the patient warm.
6. Chemical burns in eyes or on the skin can cause severe damage. Some chemicals may be absorbed through the skin and cause widespread and sometimes fatal damage within the body. What is the first main treatment if someone is a victim of chemical burns?
Break possible blisters around the eye and mouth.
The casualty may be free to both rub the eye and the affected area.
Apply lotions and ointments to the affected area ASAP.
Remove any
contaminated clothing and flood the affected area with slowly running water.
Make sure that the contaminated water drains away freely and safely.
7. Inflatable splints are made in various sizes and are shaped to the upper and lower limbs. What are the advantages of an inflatable splint?
An inflatable splint cannot fail.
Inflatable splints should never be used when leg fractures.
It makes it possible for a man to walk on a fractured leg almost immediately.
It is easier to give
correct pressure to the fractured/injured area, and the control of swelling and
bleeding is easier to observe.
8. There are three levels of burning, namely: *Superficial *Intermediate*Deep burns A large burn will almost certainly contain areas of all three grades. How many per cent of the body may be burned before the danger of life-threatening shock occurs?
15 percent.
35 percent.
9 percent.
4 percent.
9. Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed in the Recovery Position. What is the Recovery Position?
The patient sitting in a position with the head kept as low as possible.
Laying on a water-bed.
The patient is placed in a 'face -to-the-floor' position, and with arms and legs arranged in order to stabilize this position.
The patient is sitting in an up-right position and with the arms and legs arranged in order to keep this position stable.
10. What is hypothermia?
When the body temperature falls below 23-degree C.
When the body
temperature falls below 35-degree C.
When heavy coughing occurs.
When the body temperature falls to 39-degree C.
11. A companion of yours on a ship falls down a flight of stairs and thinks he may have broken his leg. What's the best thing you should do?
Seek help.
Pull on the foot to
set the bone.
Apply a splint.
Apply a tourniquet to
his upper leg.
12. What kind of first aid should be given to a person with frostbite?
Heat the affected areas with hot-water bottles.
Rub the affected area with alcohol.
Apply hand or body
heat to the affected parts skin-to-skin. (e.g. frozen hand in person's opposite
Give the person a cigarette.
13. How can asthma attacks be triggered?
By nervous tension,
allergy or no obvious cause.
By too much fresh air activity.
By not keeping to a proper diet.
By loud music.
14. You are witnessing someone about to faint. What are the symptoms?
Red face and big eyes.
The person starts to talk a lot and seems super active.
The person may be
very pale, and pulse is slow at first and weak.
The pulse is very fast and the person is getting cold.
15. What should NOT be given to a patient suffering from diarrhea?
Oatmeal gruel
Grated apple
Coca Cola
16. How would you ease the pain for someone who gets his finger tip stuck in a hatch cover?
Put the finger in warm alcohol until the pain reduces.
Put the hand in a bucket of warm water for approximately 5 minutes and then puncture the nail with a needle.
Put the hand in cold
water for approximately 20 minutes and then puncture the nail with a preheated
Put the finger in your mouth and suck for half an hour.
17. What types of drugs are permissible to take without permission?
Sleeping pills.
Over the counter drugs providing instructions are followed.
No drugs (even
aspirin) should be taken without permission from the captain or authorized
18. When performing chest compressions, where on the casualty's body do you place your hands?
Place the heel of one
hand two finger breadths above the bottom of the breastbone. Cover the hand
with the heel of the other hand.
Place the heel of your two hands on the top of the breastbone.
The position of your hands is not important.
Place the heel of your hand on top of the heart position. Cover your hand with the heel of the other hand.
19. Exposure to cold conditions may cause _____
heat stroke.
a heart attack.
20. When using a compress bandage, what shows that the bandage might be too tight?
Blue colour of the skin above the bandage.
Swelling above the bandage.
Increase in heartbeat and dizzy feeling.
Swelling above the
bandage and strong pulsating pain.
21. What is the first sign and symptom of a heart attack?
Strong and painful pulse.
Sudden crushing, vice-like pain in the center of the chest.
Skin may be red and loss of movement in the right arm may occur.
Frothing at the mouth.
22. The treatment for muscle strain may be remembered as RICE. What is RICE?
Rest - Ice -
Compression - Elevation.
Reflate - Ice - Compression - Estimation.
Reflate - Inject - Cooperation - Elevation.
Rest - Inject - Care - Evaluation.
23. The ABC rule is important for first aiders to know. What does ABC stand for?
Attitude - Blood - Communication.
Airway - Breathing -
Airway - Breathing - Communication.
Alcohol Blood Content.
24. A heavy fall or a severe blow to the upper part of the abdomen can upset the regularity of breathing. What are the symptoms?
The casualty is speaking in a loud manner.
The casually has
difficulty in breathing and may be unable to speak.
The casualty starts sweating profusely and develops fever.
The casualty feels very hungry.
25. How can you prevent a patient from fainting?
Tell the patient to sit down with his head up and tilted back breathing normally.
If standing in a crowd, flex the leg muscles and toes to aid circulation.
Try to keep the person in a standing position.
Tell the person to
sit down and lean forward with the head between the knees taking deep breaths.
26. What is the rhythm of resuscitation should two first aiders use when working as a team?
5 compressions after
every 1 inflation.
3 compressions after every 1 inflation.
10 compressions within every 3 inflations.
7 inflations before every 5 compressions.
27. Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed in the Recovery Position. Why is this position so important?
This position prevents the patient from falling asleep.
This position ensures
that an open airway is maintained.
This position ensures the heart keeps beating.
This position makes it easy to minimize any kind of bleeding.
28. After checking for open airway, giving the first 2 inflations and checking the pulse to make sure that the heart is beating, what rate of inflations should be given until natural breathing is restored?
Doesn't matter how many times.
12-16 times per
10-12 times per minute.
25-27 times per minute.
29. Abdominal Thrust is the name of a technique used to attempt to force air out of a choking casualty's lungs. How is this technique performed?
Lay the casualty on a hard surface, press firmly and rapidly on the middle of the lower half of the breast bone.
Use the Abdominal Thrust tool found in the first aid box.
Stand close behind
the casualty, clench your fist and place it in the center of upper abdomen.
Grasp your fist with your other hand and pull inwards.
Bend the casualty forward and apply hard blows to the center of the back.
30. If a person is in shock, which of these is the correct thing to do?
Apply hot-water bottles to keep the patient warm.
Try and reassure the
patient and stay with the person at all times.
Move the patient to a place of safety.
Be kind to the patient and give him something to eat or drink at the first opportunity.