MFA Exit Exam Questions and Answers Set - 6

LGTF exit exam questions and answer quiz contain questions Answer

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1. What is the first thing you should do for someone you suspect has an electrical burn

a. Check for breathing and a pulse

b. Check to see if the electricity is turned off

c. Check for severe bleeding

d. Check for shock


2. The accepted treatment for nose bleeding is

a. Use direct pressure, elevation and pressure points to control the bleeding

b. Tilt the head back and tightly squeeze the nostrils

c. Have the victim lean forward. Apply gentle pressure on the nostril. Apply cold cloth

d. Lay the victim on his back and treat him for shock. Apply heat if available


3. What do you do for a chemical burn?

a. Flush with water, dry, and cover

b. Flush with large amounts of water and cover

c. Flush with a large amount of warm water until help arrives

d. Flush with large amounts of cool water until help arrives

4. Which of the following can cause a stroke?

(a) A blood clot in an artery in the brain.

(b) A blood clot in an artery in the heart.

(c) A blood clot in an artery in the leg.

(d) A blood clot in an artery in the lungs.


5. What is a faint?

(a) A response to fear.

(b) An unexpected collapse.

(c) A brief loss of consciousness,

(d) A sign of flu.


6. What is an open fracture?

(a)   A fracture in which the bone ends can move around.

(b)   A fracture in which the bone is exposed as the skin is broken,

(c) A fracture which causes complications such as a punctured lung,

(d)   A fracture in which the bone has bent and split.


7. Difficulty in breathing may be a sign of:

(a) Heart attack

(b) Asthma attack

(c) Anaphylaxis

(d) All of the above


8. To treat strains and sprains, use the acronym RICE, which means:

(a)    Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate

(b)    Run Inside, Call, EMS

(c)     Rescue, Incline, Compress, Eliminate pain


9. How long would you check to see if an unconscious casualty is breathing normally?

(a) No more than 10 seconds.

(b) Approximately 10 seconds.

(c) Exactly 10 seconds.

(d) At least 10 seconds.

10. Hypoxia is caused due to a lack of oxygen.

(a) True

(b) False


11. Which of the following can cause shock?

(a) bleeding

(b) dehydration due to widespread burns

(c) severe diarrhea

(d) all of the above


12. Which of the following includes the top layers of skin and involves blistering?

(a)    First degree burns

(b)    Second degree burns

(c)     Third degree burns

(d)    All of the above


13. If a crew member suffers from frostbite, what should you do?

(a)   encourage him to put their hands in their armpits.

(b)   help move him indoors or to somewhere warm.

(c) place the body part in warm (not hot) water at around 40°C (104°F)

(d)   all of the above


14. What is the best treatment for second-degree burns?

(a) Put aloe Vera lotion on it

(b) Put water on it

(c) Put ice on the burns

(d) None of the above


15. When will the short-term effect of heroin disappear?

Few hours             •

within a day

After 3 to 6 hours

Before 48 hours


16. How much exercise do you really need?

45 minutes twice a week

30 minutes three or four days a week

60 minutes at least three or four days a week

30 minutes at least four or five days a week •


17. What is Second line therapy

The second combination drug for HIV when the first drug is resistance •

The first single drug for HIV treatments

The First combination drugs for HIV treatments

The second single drug for HIV when the first drug is resistance


18. Amphetamine stimulates the, by increasing the amount of certain chemicals in the body

Endocrine system

Central nervous system •

Respiratory system


19. Color vision is reduced in


toxic-nutritional optic neuropathy

toxic-nutritional ocular neuropathy        •

cerebellar neuropathy


20. How long should a person remain still after being removed from cold water?

30 min *

1 hour

15 min

40 min


21. Which of these will help you avoid carbon monoxide poisoning if stranded in your car during a snowstorm?

Clear snow from the exhaust pipe

Open a window to allow ventilation

Only run the motor for ten minutes at a time

Open the hood to the engine compartment


22. Where should be place your fist on the casualty in the CPR

Right side Ribs

Left side Ribs

Middle of the sternum      •

lower of the sternum


23. One of the principal dangers inherent in liquefied petroleum gas is.

As it warms up it becomes heavier than air

the way it reacts with sea water

the strong odor it produces

its low temperature causes frostbite or freezing •


24. Who will check the pulse of the casualty

First person

Second person •

Casualty itself

No need to check


25. What is the proper treatment for frostbite?

rubbing affected area with ice or snow

rubbing affected area briskly to restore circulation

wrapping area tightly in warm cloths

warming exposed parts rapidly


26. Heat exhaustion is caused by excessive.

loss of body temperature

loss of water and salt from the body                  •

gain in body temperature

intake of water when working or exercising

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