PST exit exam questions and answer set - 5

PST exit exam questions and answer quiz contain questions Answer

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1. MOB smoke float working duration

a. 3 minutes

b. 5 minutes

c. 15 minutes

cl. 10 minutes


2. Life boat can be lowered when vessel is at speed

a. 7 knots

b. 5 knots

c. 4 knots

cl. 10 knots


3.  How much water is in life raft for per person

a. 2 liters

b. 3 liters

c. 500 ml

d. 1.5 liters *


4. EPIRB full form

a. Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon

b. Emergency Position Indicating Radar Beacon

c. Emergency Position Information Radio Beacon

d. Emergency People Indicating Radio Beacon


5.  The number of lifebuoys on a cargo ship of length over 200 meters is

a. 8

b. 10

c. 14

d. 12


6. EPIRB signal to be received by

a. MRCC               

b. RCC

c. Coast Station

d. None of the above


7. Child life jacket requirement in cargo vessel

a. 10%

b. 25%

c. 20%

d. 15%


8. Once you hear the fire alarm proceed to?

a. Stay in your cabin

b. Awaiting further instructions

c. Proceed to muster station

d. None of the above


9. Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat fittings does not correspond to present regulation? all life boat shall be fitted with

a. Effective means for bailing or having self-bailing arrangement

b. Release device to enable forward painter to be released under tension

c. A remotely operated steering arrangement

d. A buoyant lifeline bucketed around the outside of the life boat


10. Which of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of lifeboats and life rafts do not correspond to present regulation

a. A davit said life rafts shall be stowed within reach of the lifting hooks unless adequate means of transport is provided

b. Life rafts intended for throw overboard launching shall be stowed amid ships secured to means for transfer to either side

c. Life raft shall be stowed as to permit manual release from their securing arrangements

d. Lifeboats shall be stowed attached to launching appliances


11. Every lifeboat is required to be launched and maneuvered in water at least once in month

a. Every 2 months

b. Every month

c. Every 3 months

d. None of the above


12. After the abandoned ship survivors in a lifeboat must be given

a. One liter watch each

b. 2 liters of water each

c. No water for the first 24 hours

d. Half a liter of water each


13. Fire protected lifeboats when water borne should be capable of protecting its full complement when subjected to a continuous oil fire that envelops the boat for a period of not less than how many minutes?

a. 8 minutes

b. 10 minutes

c. 15 minutes

d. 20 minutes


14. An enclosed lifeboat is fitted with self contained air support system, with the engine running what is the minimum period of time the air should remain safe and breathable

a. 5 minutes

b. 10 minutes

c. 15 minutes

d. 20 minutes


15. The smoke detector (fire indicator) indicates fire in cargo hold loaded by general cargo. What first action should be taken

a. Use the ship's gas extinguishing central system to put out the fire

b. Inspect the scene before deciding the method to be used for fire fighting

c. Start the fire pump, open the hatches and start firefighting by fire hoses

d. Close the ventilation system and other openings to hold in order to choke the fire


16. Posters or signs shall be provided on or in the vicinity of survival craft and their launching controls. Which of the following requirements do not have to be launched according to present regulation?

a. Use recommended signals

b. Give relevant instructions and warnings

c. Give information on survival craft capacity *

d. Illustrate the purpose of controls and the procedures of operating the appliances


17.  Lifebuoy self-igniting lights shall be capable of burning for not less than

a. 2 hours

b. 4 hours

c. 45 minutes

d. 8 hours


18. Which one of the listed requirements for cargo ships regarding personal life saving appliances does not correspond to present regulation?

a. A ship with the length of 100m or less shall carry a minimum of 8 lifebuoy

b. Ships fitted with free fall lifeboats may carry thermal protective aids instead of immersion suits

c. Cargo ships of less than 85 meters in length shall as a general rule carry immersion suits for every person onboard

d. Self-igniting lights for lifebuoys required on tankers shall be of an electric battery type


19. Which of the given requirements regarding manning and supervision of survival craft corresponds to the SOLAS regulations?

a. There shall be at least five trained people onboard, mustering and assisting untrained people

b. Every lifeboat required to carry radio telegraph installation shall have a deck officer capable of operating the equipment assigned

c. A deck officer or certified persons shall be placed in charge of each survival craft to be used

d. Every motorized survival craft shall have a certified engineer assigned


20. A ship in distress should have transmitted the appropriate alarm signal followed by the distress call and message on one or all of the international distress frequencies in accordance with the present recommendation

a. 550 KHz, 2367KHZ and 121.5MHz

b. 500v, 2182 KHz and 156.8 MHz

c. 550 KHz,2182 KHz and 121.5 MHz

d. 500 kHz, 2367 KHz and 243 MHz


21. Lifeboats must be stowed in such a way so that they are capable of being launched in____ minutes

a. 15

b. 10

c. 5

d. 25

22. Luminous intensity of hand flares should not be less than

a.  15000 CD

b. 20000 CD

c. 25000 CD

d.  None of the above


23. Which of the following requirements for immersion suit is correct

a. Donned in 2 minutes

b. Allow the wearer to jump from 4.5 meters

c. Allow the wearer to climb down a vertical ladder of 5 meters

d. All of the above


24. In a free fall lifeboat, instead of immersion suits TPA is provided to all persons

a.  True

b. False


25. After launching an inflatable raft, it should be kept dry from inside by

a. Opening the automatic drain plug

b. Draining the water pockets

c. Using the electric bilge pump

d. Using the bailer and cellulose sponge


26. Generally, what is used to inflate life rafts

a. Non-Toxic gas

b. Hydrogen

c. Oxygen

d. Helium


27. The "off-load" release system on a survival craft is designed to be activated

a.  When there is no load on the cable

b. When there is a load on the cable

c. Only when the doors are closed

d. When the engine is started


28. How many chapters are there in SOLAS

a. 14

b. 7

c.  12


29. How many VHF survival craft transceivers are required aboard passenger ship ?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5


30.  How can a person on board a ship familiarize himself with the use of life saving appliances?

a.  LSA code

b. Maintenance manual

c. Training manual

d. By roaming around the ship

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