STSDSD exit exam questions and answer quiz contain questions Answer
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1. Emergency response
services to a security incident does not include;
a. Police
b. Military
c. RSO
d. Fire
2. The Ship Security
Plan is a SSI: (Sensitive Security Information);
a. True
b. False
3. The on-scene
Security survey shall fulfil the following function;
a. Identify the nationality of the crew
b. Identify ships navigation efficiency
c. Identifying the ships' engines performance
d. Evaluate
monitoring restricted areas
4. Which of the
following are regular security measures, which are implemented at Security
Level 1:
a. Call for shore security Personals
b. Control the
embarkation of personal and their effects
c. Stop all visitors from boarding
d. Stop Cargo operations
5. When doing
physical search of a package, bag we should look for following:
a. The Quality of the package or bag
b. The size of the Package or bag
c. The locking arrangement of the package or bag
d. Any visible
repairs of the package of bag
6. What do we do with
the deficiencies identified during the drill:
a. We inform the CSO and wait for his advice
b. We inform the master and he advises what to do
c. We inform the chief officer and he makes the corrections
d. We discuss,
identify the corrections, implement them and record them
8. Which of the
following are not regular security measures, which are implemented at security
level 1;
a. Ensuring that security communication is readily available
b. Supervise the handling of cargo and ships store
c. Monitor the deck area and surrounding the ship
d. Stop all visitors
from boarding
8. Which of the
following is an assessment tool;
a. Hull expansion plan
b. The crew nationality
c. The ship owners
d. Identification of
additional area which should be secured
9. Most venerable
place in toilets and showers where we can find hidden drugs and contrabands;
a. In the heater
b. In shower closet
c. In the washbasin cabinet
d. On the soap stand
10. Automatic intrusion may be provided on the
vessel for;
a. Monitoring the Gangway
b. Monitoring access to restricted area
c. Monitoring the master's room
d. Monitoring the mess room
11. When doing
physical search of a package, bag we should look for following:
a. The quality of the package or bag
b. The size of the package or bag
c. The locking arrangement of the package or bag
d. Any false
compartments on the Package or bag
12. Most venerable
place in cabin where we can find hidden drugs and contrabands:
a. Back side and
underneath drawers
b. In cupboards or drawers
c. In lifejacket compartment
d. In shower cubicle
13. Which of the
below space on deck and machinery spaces are most venerable for smuggling of
drugs and contrabands:
a. Gangways area
d. Emergency control room
c. Cargo control room
d. Lifeboat storage
14. Name the document
on board which provides the up to date history of the ship since ship building,
with respect to name of vessel, ownership, flag state, classification society
a. Class Certificate
b. Continuous
Synopsis Record
c. Flag Certificate
d. Ship Registry
15. Seafarers with
Designated Security Duties are responsible for;
a. Security training of crew
b. Security assessment of the ship
c. Knowledge of crowd
control techniques
d. Amendment of security plan
16. Which of the below is the least possibility of finding hidden drugs and contrabands in cabin:
a. Hollow out Mouldings
b. Above the ceiling or wall panel
c. Inside radio or TV
d. In cupboards or
17. CSO shall have
the knowledge of and received training in following:
a. Security relevant
international convention, codes and recommendations
b. Safety relevant international convention, codes and recommendations
c. Marpol relevant international convention, codes and recommendations
d. STCW relevant international convention, codes and recommendations
18. What is the requirement
for escape route opening?
a. Must be capable of
opening from direction for which escape is required
b. Must be capable of opening in both directions
c. Must be capable of opening from outside to inside
d. Must not be opened without permission
19. Who is
responsible for the regular security inspections of the ship:
a. The company Security Officer
b. The classification Society
c. The Port Facility Security Officer
d. The Ship Security
20. Before hiding in the safe house or citadel we
a. Inform the pirates
b. Inform the owners
c. Inform the C S 0
d. Stop and
immobilize the main engine
21. The security
drill can be conducted:
a. On phone call
b. On email
c. As circular to all
d. Combination with
other exercises such as emergency response exercise
22. Which of the following
is an assessment tool:
a. Hull Expansion Plan
b. The crew Nationality
c. The ship owners
d. Existing personnel
identification documents
23. Which of the below
space on deck and machinery spaces are most venerable for smuggling of drugs
and contrabands:
a. Gang way area
b. Emergency control room
c. Cargo control room
d. Equipment box
24. Which of the
following spaces in galley and dry stores are least venerable for smuggling of
drugs and contrabands:
a. In the galley
first aid box
b. In the flour bins
c. Under or behind standard refrigerators
d. Inside fish or sides of beef
25. DOS is required
a. During every loading
b. During every discharge
c. During each port of call
d. When port and ship
are not on same security level
26. Who is
responsible for submission of Ship Security Plan for approval;
a. Master
b. Port Security Officer
c. Ship Security Officer
d. Company Security
27. Who approve the
security plan:
a. The flag states
b. The port states
c. CSO
d. SSO
28. Seafarers with
designated security duties are responsible for:
a. Security Training of crew
b. Security assessment of the ship
c. Knowledge of
methods of physical searches of baggage
c. Amendment of security plan
29. Which of the
following is a security record:
a. Record of safety
b. Record of ISM Audits
c. Record of superintendent's visit
d. Record of internal audits
30. Which of the below is not included in CSR Record:
a. The SSO Name
b. The details of authority auditing the vessel for DOC & SMC
c. The details of classification society
d. The details of the bareboat charterer